

The wiretap detection service includes technical control of a specific space / designated rooms, devices / vehicles, aimed at detecting specialized recording devices (sound, image) with the possibility of transmission by wire or radio to any place in the world.

The service offer includes:

  • detection of wireless wiretaps – analog, digital and wired radio,
  • detection of GSM wiretapping,
  • detection of video recorders,
  • detection of microphones,
  • checking acoustic ducts and ventilation ducts,
  • inspection of devices and equipment in the checked room,
  • spectral analysis of the spectrum and specialized measurements of analog and digital broadcasting signals,
  • searching the entire area and adjacent rooms,
  • specialized analysis of the electromagnetic fields,
  • detection of analog and spread spectrum wiretap,
  • detection of transmitters operating in the hopping system,
  • detection of sleeping transmitters and with the VOX system,
  • detection of transmitters in the 230V power network,
  • Detected spyware on selected PCs, laptops,
  • detection of laser microphones and infrared transmitters,
  • detection of locating devices in vehicles,
  • detection of spyware on phones,
  • determining the level of risk of potential information loss.

After the test, a technical report is prepared with information about the facts and the quality of security measures for the tested installations and space. Additionally, the report contains information about potential threats and suggestions for security improvement.


ul. Krakowiaków 103
02-255 Warszawa